“god’s work” – Nayana Nair

i wanted to say
please don’t drag my god
into your selfish quest for power.
please don’t turn my god
into a tool to manipulate mind.
but i couldn’t say those things
for my god was no longer my god,
he/she belonged to people who were ready
to accept any lie, any cruelty
to propagate their beliefs and their way of life
to protect their gods (or so they say).
so i had no choice
but to cut myself from this doctrine
of power and numbers.
not to protect my god,
but to protect my mind and myself,
to protect my faith in the endangered humanity
when all i face are the proofs of its non-existence,
when all i find are people who think shaming people
and spilling blood is god’s work.
maybe it is selfish
but i want to remember my god as someone more kinder.


  1. So much evil has been perpetrated in the name of faith

    1. Nayana Nair says:

      I believe even the scriptures and people who are are in post of authority have altered the message/intention of religion or what god is, just to serve their own agendas or bias.
      And once we realize this all we can do is to rely on our own moral compass rather that religious authority to lead a more meaningful life.

  2. cindy knoke says:

    Yes. Thank you. Any person who thinks they can speak for God, doesn’t respect God.

    1. Nayana Nair says:

      All we can really do is to life our life in such a way that it becomes an expression of thankfulness to God for gifting us with this precious life.

  3. Our response to all religious propaganda in a nutshell. In the process of establishing superiority of one’s god, the common message has been forgotten. What an irony! Wonderfully written Nayana.

    1. Nayana Nair says:

      True. Most of the religious extremist are exact opposite of what their faith tells them to be. I don’t think they care much for the message as long as it helps them get the power that they are ready to kill over.
      Really glad that you liked my poem 🙂
      Thank you so much 🙂 😀

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