“Wait for the World” – Nayana Nair

original (1)

The world never was a lonely place.
I was just born with a weak heart.
I never grew out of my weakness.
I waited for the world to become more mellow and kind.
I wished for the luxury that no one else has.

“Beyond Repair” – Nayana Nair


At some place in my life I realized that
I was ruined beyond repair.
And when I was done with all the crying,
with all the cursing,
and being therapist
to the girl that I was .
I grew up enough
to know,
that even if I can’t be what I was,
I can still be someone.
No one had to fix me.
Someone just had to show me, that it can be done.
And all the hope, that I thought was lost,
was back in the air that once seemed suffocating.