“incoherent” – Nayana Nair

i looked best dressed in incoherent words.
everyone assumed that i am drunk on something.
everyone assumed me to be an artist for that.

any word that left my mouth
was just another way to pronounce self-doubt.
the only way to stay and run away at the same time.

the way i speak,
“you are beautiful” and “i hate you”
sounds the same.
the way i speak
“i want to die” sounds same as “i love you”.
my name sounds same as any other name.

what is the use of having this name
that no one calls.
so i sign the heart of my temporary admirer
with “tear”, “snow”, “goodbye”, “sleep”….
with other sad beautiful words
that cause less hurt than my name.


  1. The phrase and counter phrase really have worked well in this piece. Artists evolve in their work, as you are still doing, and sometimes we have to see even self-doubt as part of that evolution. When all words really do sound the same, you have some way to go, then try switching topics, do something that seems about the craziest piece of writing you can think of and just try it 🙂

    1. Nayana Nair says:

      I think I am still afraid of the craziest piece of writing I am capable of writing 🙂 So maybe some more time before I get the courage to write something like that 🙂
      Glad you liked my work 🙂 Thank you so much 🙂

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